Limiting your SEO Strategies is bad practice!!
Google seems to be remaining high up when it comes to being king of the search engines despite extra pressure being exhorted by Bing. Just because they are top does not mean that you should limit your websites to satisfying Google’s algorithm. Many people are choosing to try out Bing after a successful advertising campaign back in 2010. Therefore one point to remember when working on your SEO strategies is to try and please as many search engines as possible.
Why Should You Be Looking at Bing for SEO if Google is Top?
Microsoft may not have managed to knock Google of the throne just yet, but that does not mean that they are ready to pack their bags and give up. Bing arrived back in 2009 and since then they have been growing nicely and capturing their share of the search engine market. According to the Hitwise 2011 search report 2011 Google’s share in search has been knocked down by 2% whereas Bing has risen by 4%.
Google has noticed the advancements Bing is making and so are businesses that realise that this is a search engine which is growing in power daily. The recent algorithm changes made by Google, such as opting for quality over quantity and the use of keywords in website names, only go to show that they are upping the ante in the hope that their users will stay loyal.
So What Do You Need to Be Doing with your SEO?
Ignoring SEO techniques aimed at Bing could be very costly indeed. Therefore your SEO plans need to be aimed at satisfying this search engine so that you can be top of Bing’s SERPs, as well as top of Google’s. If you have been using Google Keyword Tool then you need to start getting used to Microsoft’s AdCenter. Here you are able to organise and run your SEO and you PPC advertising campaigns.
Likes are also extremely important to Bing, in a similar way that they are on Facebook. In fact Bing is working closely with Facebook on this one and the more ‘likes’ a page receives the higher up they will be regarded in Bing’s results. The huge popularity of Facebook is likely to really enhance Bing as a useable search engine and so this could really give them the push to seriously give Google a run for first position.
Spam is greatly frowned upon by Bing and now Google too. Both of these search engines are clamping down on low value content and are trying to force spam out of the SERPs. This means that you need to ensure that you web content is worthy, well written, informative and useful. You also need to make sure that all of the content on your site is original as this really important for all aspects of SEO.
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