Following our blog on the women behind Lincolnshire businesses, we wanted to share a selection of interviews with Lincolnshire businessmen to understand their muses in the county as well as their secrets to success. We love Lincolnshire and are proud to have a thriving business community, let’s find out what other Business Men love most about the county.
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Lincolnshire Business Men
Similar to the blog about the women behind some of the top businesses in Lincolnshire we have spoken with a selection of Lincolnshire Business Men to understand their thoughts on this thriving county as well as some quirkier questions of course. Some of the questions are similar to the women’s questions to illustrate our favourite things about Lincolnshire.
What is the best and worst decision you’ve ever made?
Our first question for Lincolnshire Business Men was the same as the women’s to understand what they believed were their best and worst decisions. This came with a similar undertone to the women’s answers as we had hoped, that many business people say that every decision is never bad as you will always learn from the consequences.
Thomas Blount, Director of Lincoln Science & Innovation Park, which is a brand new joint venture between the University and Lincolnshire Co-op to become the hub of the science and technology community in Lincoln. Reiterated the message that every decision, good or bad, is a lesson.
“I’ve made plenty of bad decisions and even an occasional good one. No one decision has ever on its own been responsible for success or failure. It is the cumulative impact of many little decisions that count. The better informed, the better advised and the more experience you gain, the better your decision making. Almost all my bad decisions, though, have come from being too timid.”
The rest of the men all said that their best and their worst decisions were the same, for instance, Dean Graham, Publisher/Director at Stonebow Media, who is responsible for Lincolnshire’s top news websites, (The Lincolnite, Lincs Business & Lincs Reporter), events and awards.
“Best decision was quitting the day job to join a startup. Worst decision was quitting the day job to join a startup.”
What was your dream job as a child?
As we found the lighthearted vibe from this question really lightened the mood with the women we wanted to replicate it with the Lincolnshire Business Men, it also gave us some great insight into the minds of those creatives.
The men had slightly more obscure dream jobs that are not as relevant in their actual jobs, although one interviewee has been successful in turning that dream job into their actual profession.
Daniel Ionescu MD of Stonebow Media, an online news publisher, whose dream job was
“A journalist”.
Who inspires you & why?
Many of the Lincolnshire businessmen have become role models for the younger generation in their pursuits of accelerating the digital scene in Lincolnshire, but as we found with the women, everyone has an inspiration no matter where they come from.
Inspiration comes in a variety of forms and a common theme with the Lincolnshire businessmen is that they are inspired by people from not necessarily their field or industry.
Tim Downing, Co-Owner of Pygott & Crone, a local estate agency that aims to provide the highest level of customer service, admires the hard work of professional Cyclist Chris Froome.
“Chris froome, as he has proved that through hard work, adverse publicity and sheer determination you can conquer the world in your chosen field.”
Our favourite answer goes to Simon Nicoll, Business Development Manager for YMCA Lincolnshire, The Nomad Trust & The Showroom, who merged in 2013 to help people secure and sustain tenancies in the city as well as providing ongoing support once housed.
“My son. He reminds me what it is to be less serious about the world and how to enjoy the now rather than constantly planning for and fearing the future.”
This answer solidifies what we learnt from the women that inspiration comes from anywhere and everywhere. From parents to children, next time you are speaking to someone just consider who their inspiration may be and hold yourself in a way that could inspire those around you.
What is it about Lincolnshire that made you decide to set up your business here?
As mentioned in the women’s interviews, we spoke about the range of reasons we love Lincoln, SEO Traffic Lab set up here as a result of family ties in the local area and stayed here because of the broad variety of great businesses and the work-life balance of the county.
We are intrigued to find out the reasons behind some of the Lincolnshire businessmen setting up their businesses here.
Jeremy Stallman, MD of Laburnum House, who has been working with schools for over 25 years, was in the same situation as many businesses and was fortunate enough to be local to Lincolnshire.
“It’s where I was born & bred.”
Simon Nicoll agrees that Lincoln offers something completely unique to businesses.
“There is a movement of Lincolnshire Businesses wanting to support Lincolnshire business which I haven’t really encountered elsewhere. It is a collaborative network that wants to see Lincolnshire Businesses succeed.”
If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self what would it be?
The selection of answers we got for this question shows that it is important to have confidence in yourself, the women’s answers focused on believing in yourself. The Lincolnshire businessmen had a similar message that included “never give up”, “stick only to what matters” and our favourite from Dean Graham.
“You will fail more times than you will be successful, but you only need to be successful once.”
What do you love MOST about Lincolnshire?
Lincolnshire offers so much and each person notices and loves a particular element about this beautiful county. Our Lincolnshire businessmen continued to mention the beautiful countryside as well as a selection of new answers.
Answers included Simon Nicoll,
“It’s own personal identity as a county. Lincolnshire has a patriotic defense of it’s own business, culture and heritage.”
Jeremy Stallman,
“Property Prices.”
Daniel Ionescu,
“Balanced city/country life”
Thomas Blount,
“I think it’s the mix. The fact you can have the lifestyle, culture and enjoy exciting work.”
Tim Downing,
“Big skies and the diversity.”
And Dean Graham summarises the opportunity that Lincolnshire offers businesses,
“As Lincolnshire grows, so do the opportunities. Its a fairly undiscovered part of the country and so the potential is huge.”
So, what is it that you love the most about Lincolnshire? Do you agree with our Lincolnshire businessmen or think you have another favourite?
Connect with us on social media and let us know.
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