Brand Management
It can take years to build your brand and minutes online for negative comments to surface to the first page of Google; and with ever increasing numbers using the internet and social media in particular to research products and companies; you can see how it only takes a few comments, bad reviews etc; to do damage that may take a long time to repair or even be beyond that.
You only have to look at the recent scandals that are ricocheting around the News of the World phone tapping saga to realise that the power of Social Media is here to stay.
Your customers are online with 82% of new customers now doing their research on the internet before purchasing, and so this could well be the first impression they get of your business, service or product.
Social media has given consumers a voice in a way they have never had before and this became apparent in the recent News of the World debacle when the voice of such media as Twitter and Facebook made the world aware in an instant what was going on. Of course we are not saying that Brand Management and Reputation Management packages such as those provided by SEO Traffic Lab could have prevented the decline of such a massive organisation as the News of the World, thats just a current example of what social media can be used for.
However, it does highlight that, almost anything can get publicised and promoted on the web and at rates that can mean it goes viral very quickly. No one is saying these issues are new, gossip has been around since the dawn of the time and the human races ability to communicate, but it is the power that social media has given us that means it can soon be within reach of a very wide and powerful audience.
Our services and the use of SEO can help, and we have recently helped a client when a disgruntled employee was found to be saying negative things about his former employer, and we recently assisted another client with a conflict of interests with a popular brand of child’s healthy snack.
Of course the age old adage that prevention is better than cure applies even more so, and it is here that the other side of our services with our “Brand Protection” packages specifically designed to prevent the untimely hi-jacking of your businesses Brand and Reputation by other users that are trying to use your name for their own purposes can be used.
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“Richard and his team took a lot of time out of his day to come and visit us, see our products, see what we’re about and understand our industry. The results, they speak for themselves really.”
Chris Brady
CEO & Founder
1 Stop Spas