Several members of our team recently attended the Content Marketing Show, at the Institute of Education, a free one day conference dedicated everything Content Strategy and Marketing. There were 16 speakers, each giving a different perspective of their content strategies, experiences and predictions for the future of content marketing.
If you were not privileged to be there on the day, do not fear! Here we include the key points and relevant takeaway from each speaker, including their full Slide Decks. @kelvinnewman assures us that the Content Marketing Show will be returning in the spring for another round, so remember to leave a space in your diaries.
Hannah Smith – Distilled
Throwing Shit Against the Wall & Analysing What Sticks…
1. Permission to send Content to a user is no longer enough. Content needs to be shared by other people.
2. Facebook’s algorithm is based on what you deem to be relevant, If you don’t interact with content on your Facebook page it becomes unwanted ( and not shown.)
3. Content should be goal driven. To Entertain, Educate, Inspire or Convince? See Smart Insights
4. Your Brand is not what you sell, but how you sell it.
5. Create content that will blow peoples minds for a heart beat or two.
6. It’s incredibly hard to know what will resonate…just launch.
7. Self serving messaging can often alienate people.
8. Sometime’s you will fail – it’s a gut-wrenching feeling – but failure is a necessary part of the process.
9. Make sure your content works across all browsers and devices, ensure your social buttons work on mobile.
10. Make your headline and Social share copy “clicky”. Write 25 headlines for a peice of content and you will come up with a great one.
11. Essential Read – Made to Stick – Dan Heath
Lauren Pope – Brilliant Noise
Why Content Needs Strategy
12. There is a difference between content strategy and content marketing.
13. Essential Read – Content Strategy for the Web – Kristina Halvorson
14. What is the purpose of the content? This is the overriding reason your content exists.
15. There are so many ways to measure content – Start with how and why?
16. Content strategy gives you a formula for creating great content time and time again.
17. Implementing content strategy is hard- take it one step at a time until you get it right.
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Jon Norris – Crunch
A 1950′s Approach to Content Strategy
18. There have been 4 innovations in the publishing Industry in the last 2000 years – pretty poor!
19. In regards to software, we now have an embarrassment of riches.
20. Jon is a big Desert Strike fan!
21. There is potential to become lost in silo’s and their lack of inter-connectivity. Window V Mac is the archetypal silo – Each have no interest in integrated user experience.
22. There are many closed systems – e.g Google Drive to WordPress, other than copy, pasting and hours of formatting!
23. If software solutions aren’t working, scrap them.
24. Perfectly possible to do it well without software.
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Simon Banoub –
Twitter Tips from OptaJoe
25. Consistency is key.
26. Relevance. Segment your audience, segment your accounts, and tweet about appropriate stuff.
27. Be human and approachable, let staff join in conversations.
28. Don’t let people forget they’re following you and become a stranger.
29. There are people who can and will happily amplify your message, if targeted correctly.
30. Don’t platform hop, if a corporate account doesn’t suit you, ditch it.
31. Monitor what you’re doing and test different approached over time. Evolve.
32. Play the long game, don’t start getting twitchy when you have 8 followers after 2 weeks. Patience.
33. You are on peoples timelines for a reason. Be interesting, or helpful. Or offer insiders perspective.
34. Don’t retweet unless you can vouch for them.
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Tom Elgar – Passle
Success, Failure and Making Content Work In The Long Term.
35. General Blog Content is not interesting – Get rid.
36. 80% of businesses do not have a blog.
37. 35% of businesses with a blog have a “dead” blog.
38. Only 13% have an active blog.
39. Yet…70% of businesses understand the value of a blog.
40. Create exceptional content by getting ideas, news and opinions from the heart of the clients business.
41. The main issues for a company in regards to blogging is time and writing skill. For an agency, it is the lack of insider expertise.
42. If content is central then community works. If not, use content to get found and show competence to help sell.
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Simon Kaplan – GOV.UK
The GOV.UK Approach to Content
43. GOVUK now focuses around needs, “user” needs not “government” needs.
44. Government should only do what only government can do.
45. Understand Complexity. Do the hard work to make it simple .
46. For the relaunch of GOV.UK 116,000 items deleted. “We have fewer pages , but our users are more engaged”
47. Plain English is mandatory, no jargon. There is no talk of “tackling” – unless its rugby, football.
48. “There is no space for waffle anywhere on GOV.UK”
49. Content Strategy is a way of working, its not a document – it’s a culture.
Fergus Parker –
Content Marketing Trend Watch: 2014 and Beyond
50. #RoyalContent – hashtags are a great way of creating and sharing content to promote an idea , engage an audience and to spur them into action.
51. Today, 90% of the worlds information has been created in the last 2 years.
52. 58% of marketers will spend more on their content marketing next year.
53. Take your best piece of content and dissect it – Why did it work?
54. By 2020 over 50 billion connected devices globally.
55. Content is no longer king it is the kingdom.
56. Connection is the new king, without which you really can’t have successful content marketing.
57. 65% of the population are visual learners
58. 91% of mobile internet access is social.
59. How do you make big data small again? How can we make it meaningful?
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Kieran Flanagan-
Inbound Marketing – The Art of Not Sucking
60. Marketers are not loved.
61. Spam: “The Aids equivalent for the internet. No known cure.” / Pop Up Ads: “The reason the internet sucks”
62. The 3 basic ways to suck at marketing are: be generic, be interruptive and be selfish.
63. Combat this by understanding your audience, aim to be remarkable and promote value.
64. “Marketers will always ask how to do more content. The right question is how do I distribute it to the right people.”
65. “If you spend 10 hours developing a piece of content you should spend at least 10 hours promoting it.”
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Sam Orams – Bespoke Banter
An Idiot’s guide to Getting Content on the Telly
66. News is still the easiest way to get content on the TV. Anything can happen on a quiet news day!
67. Keys ingredients that can help get your news story attention are common interest, stories with a wow factor, launches, celebrity involvement.
68. In order to get your news story noticed you must provide a Video News Release (VNR).
69. This must be no longer than 10 minutes, there must be a shot list and script attached, relevant interviews to help add weight.
70. You need to aim to tell a story entirely with the pictures. Footage needs to be well shot and produced, keep branding to a minimum and make sure you include your best shots first.
71. Chosen shots should be loose and long tail. You should never send an edited film!
72. Remember Editors need to be able to get a flavour of your story as easily and quickly as possible, follow these tips and you are more likely to get your story coverage.
73. Recommendation – try MPEG stream clip software to convert your videos to any required format.
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Kester Ford – Cision
Amplify or Die
74. Amplification is key to the success of your content
75. There are three types of media; paid, earned and owned.
76. The barriers between these types of media are breaking down.
77. You are competing against everything and everyone, not just PRs – everybody now has the power to create and promote media.
78. Essential Read – Bob Hoffman’s The Ad Contrarian Blog
79. Social Media is the easiest place to start to push your content.
80. People in the developed world still trust traditional media over search and social media.
81. “If content is fire, social media is gasoline.” – Jay Baer
82. You need to connect with influencers such as bloggers, journalists and brands.
83. You can use a network of smaller followers in order to help amplify your content to others, reaching from your circle into the second and even third circles. This may be an easier way to start will building relationships and trying to connect with influencers,
84. The optimum size for headline click through is 60-100 characters. Also remember people love lists and hints and tips.
85. A final note – Content Marketing is not a quick hit it is the long game strategy – you gotta have faith!
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Matt Roberts – Linkdex
The ZMOT is Going To Get You
86. Consumers are complicated and as such have multiple devices for consuming data at different moments in their lives.
87. Matt refered us to the fact that Google established a model called Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT). He recommended Googles books on ZMOT – they changed how he looked at things and will for you.
88. ZMOT content must be visible, resonate, be understood, trusted and influence the consumer.
89. Complex is ok if you have procedures, process and framework.
90. Matt gave us an example of looking to buy a portable projector and another scenario where a colleague looked to buy a violin – they both looked at trust signals like best in category, reviews, top picks and comparing other models in order to help.
Download link for the Zero Moment of Truth ebook and handbook
Download link for the’ Rethink Your Content Marketing’ Ebook
Gemma Macnaught – conversionfactory
Simplifying Personas
91. Get demographics from Google Analytics by adding the relevant code.
92. Personas don’t have to be complicated. On a very basic level it all boils down to the left and right brain.
93. Establish client’s goals which are usually:
•Make more money
•Generate more leads
•Increase brand awareness
•Customer retention
94. The Right Brain is impulsive, creative, erratic, and emotional. It focuses on price, imagery, emotion, promotion and rewards.
95. The Left Brain is analytical, methodical and takes into account semantics. It focuses on full content, usability, security, transparency and looks for reassurance.
96. If your product was on the shelf what would make shoppers pick your product up?
Some recommended testing tools
Left Brain:
Crazy egg / User / Survey monkey
Right Brain:
Ft / Five second test / Eye quant
97. Be sure to test it!
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Sarah Howard – Red Rocket Media
Don’t Forget About Long Form Content
98. We must embrace long form content.
99. Two thirds of time spent on webpages is below the fold.
100. Write because you have something to say. Ensure that you are producing quality content that will provide value to others. You must have time to research your long form content.
101. Design a great content experience – create something that is visually appealing, beautiful – something similar to a glossy magazine.
102. Make sure you are using the data to make your choices – look at analytics and trends data to create content that your consumers want.
103. Let your long form content feed your short form content. You can create several satellite pieces out of your long form content helping both types of content complement each other.
104. Tap into expertise. Make sure that if you know what you are talking about when producing your long form content. Don’t be afraid to call on the expertise of others for this as you may be missing specific terminology.
105. Don’t make it a burden, invest in it as it will work as part of a wider content strategy.
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Jo Petty – Freelance Copywriter
The Do’s And Don’ts Of Hiring A Freelancer
106. Do Shop around – finding the right freelance is like finding the perfect pair of jeans – you must find the right fit for your and take into consideration things such as budget.
107. Don’t think Chanel if your budget is Primark!
108. The freelancer with the highest rate is probably best but not always the right fit for your budget.
109. Networking is a great way to find freelancers.
110. Make sure that you provide freelancers with as much information as possible – give them everything you have as it will help them interpret the brief.
111. Get a contract in place – as this will protect both parties and make expectations clear from the start of the colaboration. This doesn’t need to be a massive legal document just a clear outline of requirements and expectations agreed.
112. Give your freelance constructive feedback in order to help them produce what you want. Also make sure that you are responsive and communicate with freelancers in order to help the project go as smoothly as possible.
113. Finally don’t forget to pay your freelancers!
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Tony Samios – Caliber-i
Offline Experiences That Lead To Digital Results
114. Ignore the real world at your peril as there are many situations where it can compliment and drive traffic online.
115. Well branded offline marketing efforts can lead to effective social engagement online. An example of the Kellogg’s shop was given, this was setup for a few weeks and you could purchase products with a tweet.
116. “Gold” content is is completely unique and innovative, making people sit-up and take notice!
117. Doing something different in the real world leads to real genuine interest.
118. Customers prefer to see and touch your products offline.
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James Carson – Factory Media
Content Strategy Process – From End to End in 15 Minutes
119. One of our favourite takes likened content strategy to a burger! Although this is very nice on its own it is far better when it has cheese, bacon and it’s in a bun, so your content needs analytics, site structure, content and promotion.
120. Analytics is the base of everything, find out where people go. Audit your site, and the best performing pages.
121. Site structure, the goal is to have a logical structure.
122. Mindmaps can assist information architecture.
123. Content is the meat of your burger – start with your headline, think about how people would find your page and if it would entice them to click on it.
124. Create an editorial calendar and don’t forget the important aspect of Google Authorship.
125. Distribution – stop blogging, start thinking. Use social networks correctly and don’t just use them for the sake of it, make sure they add value to your audience. Consider using videos as 3 mins of video can potential create multiple other pieces of content.
126. NASNS – Not Another Social Network Syndrome.
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