You may have some concerns about link building after companies like J C Penney’s recently found themselves shunned out of Google search. Link building can be treacherous if you work with a SEO Company that uses black hat SEO techniques. Providing you stay on the right shade of UK SEO, link building is still worthwhile as part of your SEO campaign.
Use Respected Organic Link Building in UK SEO to Avoid Punishment
Link building is just one aspect of SEO in the UK, but it is worthwhile knowing a little bit about it. The idea is to work on increasing the amount of links to your sites organically. In order to do this you have to make sure that all the links are found on pages which have content which is closely related to your industry.
You cannot simply create hundreds of ‘fake’ web pages which contain thousands of links to your site. This is greatly frowned upon, and this is one of the techniques used by the SEO Company in charge of the J C Penney campaign. The huge retailers were manually removed from Google search for 90 days, despite their claims of innocence stating that they had no idea of the strategies which were being used.
White Hat UK SEO used by companies such as SEO Traffic Lab stay within the guidelines and only use respected methods of link building as part of the entire SEO campaign.
Genuine Link building in SEO
There are some powerful ways of increasing your ranking in the search results pages, such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. The first one involves talking with relevant websites requesting a link being placed on their site in return for you placing a link to theirs on yours.
This is a mutually beneficial although you need to keep these types of links to a minimum. Your main webpages should not have too many links directing users away from your site if possible.
Article marketing is an excellent way of building links organically. It is important that you spend time creating original and fully relevant articles which you can distribute on article directories as well as your blog and you can also use the articles in your newsletters and printed publications. You may need to hire professional writers to make sure the content is quality. At the end of each article the directories allow you to place a link.
SEO Training Available Directly from the Experts
SEO Traffic Lab uses white hat link building in order to help companies achieve higher rankings in the SERPS. If you have a marketing team who you wish to have trained in the latest SEO techniques, SEO Traffic Lab offer a number of training courses delivered by SEO UK experts.
The SEO Company is willing to share their knowledge to help your team stay ahead of the game, and learn the skills which are needed to help you build your online presence. You can then use these skills in combination with your offline marketing to build strong campaigns which cover every angle. Call 0800 84 999 33 to find out more about the SEO training or any of the SEO UK services which are available.
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