UK SEO techniques move with the times
Without doing so it is impossible to compete. Research shows that social media and SEO complement each other nicely. There has been so much hype around social media over the last few years, some good, and some bad. Starting out as a way to find lost friends the social sites blossomed into more than just a place for friends and families to stay in touch. Now they are regarded as excellent networking and seo tools for entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes.
SEO and socialise your Website
Bing is catching up on Google’s share on the search engine market, although there is still a far way for it to go. One of the ways benefits Bing offers to their users has been their deal with Facebook. On Facebook it is possible to show your love or appreciation for anything from brands to hobbies.
Bing is able to use the information regarding user’s likes and use it to present results in an order that they think the user will appreciate. Underneath the results on the search engine results pages are pictures of all the friends who have liked the site. This can then help to sway people to visit recommended webpages, knowing that their friends have found it to be of use or entertaining.
Google is not associated with Facebook, but this hasn’t stopped them from getting social. To help tailor their results they have come up with the Google +1 idea. This is very similar to the like button on Facebook and will be used in their algorithms in a similar fashion, and as such it can be used in your seo campaign.
Take Advantage of Preferences
In order to be liked it is necessary to allow your visitors to like your web content, and your pages on Facebook. To do this you must have a presence and work to encourage people to respond to your posts. As a bonus all the links you place within your pages and in your status updates can be used to strengthen your site and help it gain ranking. These social signals are seen as a positive way for the search engines to assess your site, and so should not be ignored.
SEO Backlinks and Tweets
Just as likes and + 1 are seen as beneficial social signals, tweets on Twitter have their influences in UK SEO too. Tweeting is a great way to add fresh backlinks to your site on a regular basis. If you can manage to encourage your followers to retweet then these backlinks become very powerful. Any SEO company looking to get the most out of marketing campaigns will be suggesting that Twitter along with other social networking sites is seen in a serious light.
Tweeting is used in both Google and Bing’s search engine rankings algorithms so if your business is not already on Twitter it is high time you became a regular presence among all the other tweeters.
UK SEO and Social Media
The SEO Company, SEOTrafficLab, provides management for social media marketing campaigns. There are various packages available, and they can custom make a strategy to suit your specific requirements. Social Media for business includes all of the well-known platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and Flickr.
For more information call 0800 84 999 33 to talk to UK SEO experts, or send an email to and get your business socialising.
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