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Live Like Loyalty

krantz kitchens our seo client case study

Who they are

Live Like Loyalty is an employee reward scheme App. Their mission is to support and boost the economy in Lincolnshire, choosing to partner with local independent businesses in the county. CEOs, Founders and Business Owners sign up their team for discounts and freebies, to show their appreciation and say thank you. The offers range from free coffee to half price axe throwing, there is something for everyone.

Their problem

Live Like Loyalty came to us with a clear goal, to increase their brand awareness. As they are a relatively new business, they wanted to get their voice heard in a crowded online space. They wanted to get more employees signed up to the App and more businesses to offer an exclusive discount.

Our solution

We conducted a full suite of website updates for LiveLikeLoyalty, increasing their online presence and User Experience. As well as this we worked to create high-quality content and fully optimise the website for SEO. We also manage their LinkedIn Company profile, creating and publishing engaging content to reach their audience and achieve their goals. And, of course, we test the vast amount of offers. Making sure that the employees will be satisfied with the service.


Since we began working on Live Like Loyalty's website, we have seen a massive increase in their rankings, traffic and goal completions.



Increase in organic traffic

bar chart


Increase in followers on LinkedIn



Increased engagement on the platform